Img: Rabbis Benny Zippel and Avremi Zippel with Governor Gary Herbert
Rabbi Benny Zippel was born and raised in Italy. He founded the Chabad Lubovitch of Utah with his wife Sharonne, which has multiple centers around Utah, including one in Salt Lake City, one in Park City and one in St. George.
He also founded Project H.E.A.R.T., which stands for Hebrew Education for At-Risk Teens, and which serves troubled youth and helps them overcome behavioral issues. He regularly visits schools to address disorders like ADD, ADHD, bulimia, and anorexia.
Rabbi Zippel is a huge proponent of helping others learn that each one of us is important, valuable, and needed in this world. Join us as we chat with him about his faith, his work, and the unselfish purpose to which he has dedicated his own life.
Learn More About Rabbi Zippel's Work
Book: Your Mark on This World
Salt Lake Tribune: Utah Rabbi Helps Troubled Teens Turn Their Lives Around
