Dr. Christina Hibbert Show Notes

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Dr. Christina Hibbert is the bestselling author of 8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise, Who Am I Without You, the award-winning memoir, This Is How We Grow, and the forthcoming Mastery Of Motherhood. Dr. Hibbert is a clinical psychologist, speaker and thought leader in the areas of motherhood, women’s mental health, postpartum, parenting, grief/loss, self-worth, and personal growth. She is the host of Motherhood radio/TV podcast, creator of her popular website, blog (The Psychologist, The Mom, & Me, a “Top 30 Women’s Empowerment Blog”), GROW Monthly membership program, and Dr. Christina Hibbert—Courses online library. She is the founder of the Arizona Postpartum Wellness Coalition, producer of the internationally-sold DVD, Postpartum Couples, and was recently named Most Inspirational Women’s Health Professional 2018.

A wife of 23 years and mom of six (yes 6!) children, ages 22 to 11, Christina was deeply honored to be awarded Mother of The Year, AZ 2018. When she’s not trying to keep up with her family or get some precious “alone time,” Christi enjoys traveling, songwriting, naps, reading in hammocks, and dark chocolate (often all at the same time). 

Learn More About Dr. Christina Hibbert


Dr. Hibbert’s website is full of great resources for those experiencing their own challenges, or those wanting to support loved ones going through these challenges. Read articles and blog posts,  join a support system, and find virtual courses all in one place!  Find links to Dr. Hibberts books, her podcast, and her social media platforms below.


