I’m half-Mexican, and even as such, I have privilege because of looking “not Mexican.” I haven’t had to endure the racism that my Dad has because of his accent, or his name, or how he looks. Or the racism Latino friends of mine have endured because of those things.
I choose to advocate for Latinos because inside (and even if not outwardly obvious) I am one of them. I know so many of their stories and heartbreaks, the beauty they bring from their countries, and their triumphs. I want to share those things in hopes of helping to create more understanding in the world.
But I admit that I don’t know as much as I should about my Black brothers and sisters. I haven’t read enough, listened enough, or understood enough.
The past few weeks, as we’ve been talking to our kids about how prevalent racism still is in our world, I realized that I need to educate myself more. Forasmuch as I feel that I don’t stick my head in the sand, I need to know more. I need to hear more, read more, listen to more people who don’t look like me.
I truly believe that much of the change we look for and hope for in our world isn’t going to happen if we don’t educate the rising generation. In order for us to educate our children, though, we need to BE educated on the issues.
I’ve heard many people assert that police are good, and that all of these things must just be a misunderstanding. That’s the easiest way to deal with this: look away and insist that others are taking it out of context. Be content with the way the world is because it doesn’t affect you. But when you start looking for the stories, start listening to the words of the people that ARE affected, you start to actually see the problems.
So, I began today by listening to their words. Looking for the stories. Accepting that there IS a problem, and committing myself to teaching my children to be a part of the solution, not the problem. Saying, “Yes, Black lives DO matter,” instead of repeating “All lives matter.” Because while all lives DO matter, ALL people do not struggle with the same racism or prejudices, year in and year out. Decade in and decade out. Century in and century out.
Here are 10 podcast episodes that can help you begin this education for yourself. Listen to the words of people who are affected. Listen to the ways they say we, on the outside, can help change the conversation, rather than doing more harm.
1. First Name Basis: Ahmaud Arbrey and George Floyd: Unpacking Racism

Date Aired: June 1, 2020
“Right now our country is reeling from the murders of our Black brothers and sisters. You may be confused by all of the uprising and rebellion, but you need to understand that they, in the words of Dr. King, “…are not the creators of tension” they are “merely bringing to the surface the tension that is already alive.” Black people have been unfairly killed and systemically disenfranchised since we were kidnapped and brought to this country against our will. If you are looking for answers and want to be part of the change you need to build your foundational knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of what racism looks like as a whole. Many people are very confused and believe that racism is simply intentional acts of meanness done to another person based on race, but in reality racism is much more complicated.”
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/first-name-basis-podcast>
2. Life Kit: How White Parents Can Talk to Their Kids About Race

Date Aired: June 3, 2020
NPR’s Michel Martin talks with Jennifer Harvey, author of Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America, about how to talk with white kids about racially charged events — and how to keep the conversation going. If you’re a white (or nonblack) parent, don’t wait for your kids to bring up the topic of race to start the discussion, says Harvey.
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/national-public-radio/life-kit-all-guides>
3. Voices of Reason: A Conversation With Utah Black Lives Matter and SLC Police

Date Aired: June 2, 2020
Black Lives Matter Utah Chapter leader and SLCPD Chief Mike Brown and Sgt. Brandon Shearer join Amy Donaldson and guest host Dr. Paul White to talk about recent local protests and what can be done to bridge the divide between law enforcement and people of color.
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/ksl-newsradio/voices-of-reason>
4. The Daily: A Weekend of Pain and Protest

Date Aired: June 1, 2020
“Demonstrations have erupted in at least 140 cities across the United States in the days since George Floyd, a black man, died in police custody in Minneapolis. We were on the ground in some of them, chronicling 72 hours of pain and protest.”
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-new-york-times/the-daily-10/e/70077335>
5. Ted Radio Hour: Confronting Racism

Date Aired: March 28, 2019
“Racism isn’t always obvious, but it can be found almost everywhere. This hour, TED speakers explore the effects of everyday and systemic racism in America—and how we can work to defeat it. “
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/national-public-radio/npr-ted-radio-hour-podcast/e/59722184>
6. Unlocking Us with Brene Brown: Brene with Ibram X. Kendi on how to be and anti-ractist

Date Aired: June 2, 2020
“I’m talking with professor Ibram Kendi, New York Times bestselling author of How to Be an Antiracist and the Director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University. We talk about racial disparities, policy, and equality, but we really focus on How to Be an Antiracist, which is a groundbreaking approach to understanding uprooting racism and inequality in our society and in ourselves.
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cadence13/unlocking-us-with-brene-brown/e/70142358>
7. Good Kids: How to Raise Anti-Racist Kids

Date Aired: June 2, 2020
“In this critical episode, Dr. Nzinga Harrison outlines ways to talk with kids of all ages about racism and shares ten action steps on raising kids who are anti-racist. ‘Anti-racist kids are kids that don’t have to pretend to be free of racism, but kids who make the commitment to fight racism wherever they see it, including when they see it in themselves.'”
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lemonada/good-kids-how-not-to-raise-an-ahole>
8. All In: Abe Mills and Stephen Jones: Love Thy Neighbor

Date Aired: June 17, 2020
“The complexities surrounding conversations of racism today are numberless but the root of the solution is the two great commandments: love God and love your neighbor as yourself. On this week’s episode, we talk with Abe Mills and Stephen Jones, two black Latter-day Saints, about their experiences with racism within Church culture, the faith of those who came before them, and why they don’t hesitate to share their faith in Jesus Christ.
‘Understanding what He did for us, it gives us hope, which we live in a world with a lot of people that have no hope or they’ve lost their hope—whether it’s hope in equality, hope in fairness, hope in whatever—they’ve lost their hope, but the gospel has taught us hope because we know what Jesus Christ did for us. It has taught us understanding because we know Christ was the example of understanding, and on top of that, it has taught us forgiveness, or how to forgive, in a time where forgiveness is needed greatly.'”
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lds-living-2/all-in-3/e/71232619>
9. On Being: Robin DiAngelo and Resmaa Menakem

Date Aired: June 1, 2020
Resmaa Menakem offers therapy and coaching in Minneapolis and teaches across the U.S. He’s worked with U.S. military contractors in Afghanistan as well as American communities and police forces. His bestselling book, My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies, is part narrative, part workbook.
Robin DiAngelo is an Affiliate Associate Professor of Education at the University of Washington in Seattle and has been a consultant, educator, and facilitator for over 20 years on issues of racial and social justice. She’s the author of White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism.
From <https://onbeing.org/programs/resmaa-menakem-notice-the-rage-notice-the-silence/>
10. Pod Save the People: Keep the fight

Date Aired: June 1, 2020
This week DeRay, Brittany, Sam, and Clint discuss the murder of George Floyd and the protests around the nation. Then, DeRay sits down with Justine Barron and Amelia McDonell-Parry, who have been researching the death and cover-up of Freddie Gray, which just hit a five-year anniversary.
From <https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/crooked-media/pod-save-the-people>
I know there are MANY more great voices out there and I would love to hear about others you all are listening to. Thanks for reading, and let’s all go forward and learn together!